Blue Lurker
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 40
$3,000 - Sold*, Private Collection
Reproductions Available
this guy is probably my favorite painting to date even though it was one of the most painstaking. I was unfamiliar with oil paint then and ended up using acrylic, which was a huge headache due to the fast drying time. I painted over the middle section probably 5 times before I got it right and the palmetto fronds in the back took forever to complete. Even though big blue is a bit menacing staring at you head on, the overall vibe of the piece is still fun and exciting.
Big Blue
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 24
$2,000 - Sold*, Private Collection
Reproductions available
This was the first conscious iteration of big Blue. As you can see below, the idea began in my sketchbook. As i said alligators have always been my favorite animal. being colorblind, they always looked especially dull to me with their natural colors. Very vibrant blue is one of the colors i can see best so i decided to combine the 2 to get Big Blue. The photo above is a giclee print, and is in a reclaimed cypress frame hand-built by me.